Organizations need to protect their computer systems from internal and external threats that may lead to computer crime or abuse.  Current or former employees, consultants, customers, vendors and strangers that have no connection to the organization may pose a threat.  Risks may be present from the physical location or configuration of computer hardware and data communication equipment. Software not installed or configured properly with adequate system audits may pose a threat.

This study presents a review of current literature, interviews of industry experts and a survey of IBM AS/400 computer users.  This report examines computer crime problems facing management information leaders.  This study relates the literature review, interviews and survey to present information that will primarily benefit professionals working with the IBM AS/400 computer.  The findings indicate that computer crime and abuse has a financial impact on victim organizations. Additionally, many organizations invest substantial resources in the prevention of computer crime and abuse.

General recommendations are made that will benefit all computer users.

Specific recommendations address AS/400 security issues.  The recommendations include suggestions for minimizing the threat of computer crime and abuse.

Suggestions include the review and modification of security related system values on the AS/400.
